Tuesday, June 14, 2011

About the Blog

Every time I watch a movie I always have a problem with it even if it is an award winning movie and nobody ever wants to hear my thoughts on the movie after it’s over. All of the movies I have seen are stuck in my head and I need an outlet to finally let them out because they are driving me nuts. You probably think this blog is set up to bash terrible movies and in a way you are correct. This blog is also set up to give bash good movies as well. I love movies and I do not complain about movies just because I hate the movie. I complain about the movies I watch because I actually care about the movie and want to talk about it. I want to know why Michael Cera is the same character in every movie. I want to know why everyone is in love with Quentin Tarantino. I also want to know why Hollywood still lets Michael Bay still make movies. I have so many questions and so many thoughts about 1 million movies and I do not know where to start.

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